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Shopping center
Set the bridge up building, set the led rainbow light and fountain in the up level.
It two stair and go directly to the other side,
could enjoy the more, beautiful led and trans-land
arc; the colorful led walkway in bottom. Open the door and go straight.
裝置橋墩Led 彩色燈板 和噴水池供給娛樂 及欣賞
供分設兩層, 橋墩樓梯往下可以通往另一側
欣賞美造建築 上置透明隔板 及LED燈 下置彩色LED寬版步道. 只要打開拱門即可前往欣賞

It is provided cloth , food , daily, collection to buy;
Aquarium , which is operated and create cold
air; Refrigerator, store food and it it provided the
cold and hot water at the same time.
室內設置 如服飾櫃 食品櫃 日常用品 收藏品等
水族箱運作同時還可以製造冷風; 冰箱 儲藏冰品外運用智慧型系統提供冷熱型服務
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