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Environment underground engineering is provided to public road, facility, factory, family and so on.
It could gather the water to the other one, so that to achieve to the goal: clear water to the one used again, only connect it together and where is the location is ?
The other one way is from the outside of tube to clear it on time and provide the relevant machine to use it.
Hand on it , clear the tube and fix it later , this arm could bend in any time.
This liquid could flow to one to two and three so that use it again. The last one to flow into sink and clear the all, and even draw out of dirty one.
In addition , the repair the chemical gap material, (metal, PVC,silicon)
Relevant information inquiry the medical group.
It could is supported by the follow:
information express machine
processes card
information reader card
地下環境工程提供公用道路設施 廠房 家庭使用
水流會從1號留至2號再留置3號 重新使用 依需求調整 最後
再留至下水槽經過濾 過濾前再接外排水管先將廢棄物排出

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