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Drop to heat to rock and connect with tube on the bottom so that to produce electronic. It could supply to the manufacture product in the industry. This one is applied to produce the health-care commodity.
(1) organ allergy and relieve active
(2) skin beauty
(3) heart and liver keeper
(4) improve the the skin relive and reaction
(5) strong function to the body
用於生產健康保養產品器材, 產品如下:
(1)局部過敏型/ 椰子 香橙
(2)美容美白 /火龍果
(3) 調養型養生 /鳳梨 甘蔗
(4)皮膚敏感 長痘/ 小黃瓜 檸檬
(5)改善體質 保養型/葡萄
滴管式滾輪下底管製電 可運用至一般器材/ 汽車皆可
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