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Medical machine could be used to cure the nose, drop the medicine , clear, and examine laser .
The other way, put the transplant silicon teeth flour to be the medical teeth used.
It's used to fill in the inside of teeth and and water to liquid .
Drop one inside of it, and water , indication the image of teethe and cure it with the medicine .
The right side one shape the teeth and be more beautiful.
醫療器材用於治療鼻子 深入式鼻腔治療
接上醫療材管可達到檢查內腔 清潔 及
也提供透明牙滴 只要置入口腔 放入溶解後 漱口即可 達到影像內部攝影及治療
右側牙齒修補手術工具 提供予達到 美化

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