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Wave Run Sport
Green Board , it absorb engery and prevent sunshin at the same;
Set the personality light, to shine out.
Tire and Steel tube , all be useed to tolerant and flexity
綠能環保發電供應支援 快速奔騰
裝載大輪胎 前後鋼管 增加耐用 彈性高
Repaire and load the equipment wisdom machine.
It run by the automatic wisdom system machine , and it is could handed up by the the technician.
由自動化系統支援 工程師全程支援組裝
It was supported by the information card/
information receptor/sun power board/number-reader card
設備裝上 電子卡 半導體 被動元件 太陽能源版 訊息條碼器 訊息傳送器等
Two side indication light and bottom repair space.
Only drwa out and can change the the material or the equipment any time.
OM 型摩托
雙邊顯示燈 前底層維修底層
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