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produce oil product by technology wisdom system,
put the oil souce to the top and cook the oil
; distribute to more multi function product
and low content of oil product .
智慧型生產油品系統,除了支援製造 分裝
調整 ,可提供更多種選項及含量油品於
All process only deal with it the all by
wisdom monitor.
It also culd be operated wireless by phone, computer,
tablet, watch, glass.
easy touch easy operated.
電子化產品便利性, 操作相當簡便,
只要觸控 面板即可,也可配合現行
手機 電腦 平板 手錶等 多選擇服務
容易使用 提高方便性.
Only put the modle in the machine,
choice the souce and put the can in it
; and touche the monitor or
the micro-tablet setted below leftted.
produce more product by modle you choice.
This machine are operated by sun power ,wind power and oil can which setted in front of machine.
proivde more power to choice to supply electrical power.
EX:put the fruit can in the machine, set the modle and output the health and environment agriculture product.
設置這項綠能型及油能雙向多功能機器 放入原料入模具內,選擇面板圖板,找尋你需要的款式 確定即可製作出您需要的產品
例如:裝入 蔬果罐 放入模型, 點選即可製造出農業生技產品
環保及健康 雙向俱全
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