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Electronicl wireless equipment be setted on the train /bus /public traffic , it abosorb hot by runway to electronic and it could be battery that deposit it and other used. The other word, set it , arrive two function at the same time.
Connect it to other electronic tool
電子盤無線盤 設置公用設備 ,如公車/火車/大眾捷運/高鐵等
吸熱盤:吸收運轉同時釋放熱能,或是做成電池.裝設車體 ,動力"電源"POWER",同時兩種功用
儲蓄性電池deposit power
heat equipment 吸熱盤
To manufacture traffic industy by auto techonology system .uplay of it, put souce to the modle, it could be a board.
set souce tube and put board together.
only use the computer, easy operate it.
operate board direction , fix and pain it.
利用自動型設備製造及組裝火車, 透過原料板及模型,生產出模型板及電腦設備控制作組裝,固定, 噴漆
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