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Travel Boat
It set the sea -capture equipment; travel and get more fish at the same time.
On the boat , driving room, exercise room and game and show room. On the room , set the sun-power board to addiation energey.
Enjoy more lesiure time, Play the game with each other by the game machine and music playerin the show room. In the other way, have a show time in this and eating cookie or cake in the good degree.
provide traing maching, used to the waist, hand, and foot and so on in exercise room
It was supported by the information card/
information receptor/sun power board/number-reader card
本船艇 裝設漁獲設備 可同時作海撈增加漁獲量.
本船艦 也設置駕駛艙 運動休閒室
娛樂遊戲表演室 屋頂接裝設太陽能源板
在遊戲表演室可以多名同時玩互動式遊戲增添娛樂感. 此外還可以在舒服溫控空調設備欣賞表演秀及享受甜點.
運動休閒室裝設運練設備 運練手/腰/腿運動 本電子運動設備裝上 電子卡 半導體 被動元件 太陽能源版 訊息條碼器 訊息傳送器等
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