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The material machine to grind it than, and to pack to can easily by twisting and opposing later.
Could manufacture the delicious source.
This one is to support to the information machine
放入材料入機器內 壓一下旋轉蓋頭旋轉 倒過來抽出即可製作出一罐醬料 支援訊息收發器可安裝置各種機器
1. fry
2. bake
only choice the button and touch it later .
智慧型多功能電器 提供炸 烤 微波 選擇功能 將食物放上烤盤 按下即可 結束過濾濾乾油膩
The machine is to manufacturer the ice/ meat ball/
bread , only put the material on it and draw the door it down. It could clear the plate inside by the tube to absorb it the dirty and get out of the stuck in it as well as to air one layer silicon to manufacture smoothly 食品智慧型機器選取功能用於生產冰品/肉丸/麵包 放下材料入內即可做出不同口味產品
製作結束還可以器材清潔內部讓其運作順暢 噴上矽利康 使其延長效用 不容易輕易磨損刮壞
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